3 sept 2010

Just another friday...

Today, today is just another Friday  ... holidays are approaching, I hope to survive through this month.

17 ago 2010

Debian cumple 17 años

Debian cumple 17 años: "

Fue un 16 de agosto de 1993 cuando Ian A Murdock anunció el lanzamiento de una nueva distribución Linux (nota original http://bit.ly/bkNYvk) con el nombre de Debian que surge de unir dos nombres: Debra, su entonces novia (actual ex-esposa) y su propio nombre Ian.

¡Feliz cumpleaños Debian!

- Debian Day 2010 México (http://bit.ly/cF4ozZ)

- Cubo de Códigos para Terminal (http://bit.ly/9PQkJD)

- Obtener Debian Linux (http://www.debian.org/index.es.html)

- Página oficial de aniversario (http://thank.debian.net/

12 ago 2010

Access problem...(silly problem)

Checking your apache log, it contain: 
[Thu Mar 04 19:22:30 2010] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /index.html denied

Have you check the directory permissions? just type:
$chmod -R 755 /path/to/your/htdocs

;)  It should resolve your problem.

Good trade!

16 jul 2010

Una del panteón...

Recordando el Vive Latino 2010, de pelos ... sobre todo los "circulos de paz" con el Panteón! ...

 Hoy te vas, pero se que volverás
porque lo que yo te di no lo encontraras jamás
esas noches, esos días, cuando tu te retorcías en mis brazos
cuando veíamos estrellas y tu eras una de ellas
de esas que abrazan la tierra con su luz
y hoy me llamas y me dices que empacas tu presencia
que has hecho las maletas que hoy dices adiós...
Panteón Rococo...

8 jul 2010


Victor Wooten and Steve Smith amazing musicians...

Cartman: All right, Token, give me a smooth bass line.
Token: I don't know how to play bass.
Cartman: Token, how many times do we have to go through this? You're black. You can play bass.
I'm gettin' real sick of your stereotypes!
Cartman: Be as sick as you want, just give me a God damned bass line!
Token: Oh God dammit.

24 jun 2010

Capturing outputs in shells

*NIX systems make easy to capture program output in separate files using pipes and some commands.

  • Writing standard output from the ls program to the file1 file:

    ls > file1
  • Writing error output from the ls program to the file1 file:

    ls 2> file1
  • Writing both standard and error output from the ls program to the file1 file:

    ls &> file1
  • Writing standard output from the ls program to the file1 file and error output from this command to the file2 file:

    ls 1> file1 2> file2 
In UNIX and Linux shells, a pipe is represented by the "|" symbol and connects the standard output of one command to the standard input of another. The UNIX or Linux tee application does what its name suggests if you're familiar with various plumbing connectors—it splits its input into two different streams. One of these remains standard output, while the other is a file whose name you specify on the command line. Therefore, you can use the combination of a pipe and the tee command to combine redirecting the output of a program into a file and see that output.

For example, the following command displays both the output of the ls /etc command and captures the standard output of that command in the ls.out file:

ls /etc | tee ls.out

You can also redirect standard error and standard output via a pipe on the command line by using the "|&" characters. For example, the following command both displays the output and any error messages of the ls /etc command and uses the tee command to capture the output and error messages in the ls.out file:
ls /etc |& tee ls.out

You can combine redirection of standard output and standard error via a pipe, the tee command, and your favorite shell's interactive mode to capture all input, output, and error messages to a file using a command such as the following:

bash -i |& tee output_file.txt

Source: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-screenshots1/index.html?ca=dgr-lnxw13LX-ScrnShotsdth-LX from William von Hagen

14 jun 2010

This is the end ...

"El final...el final, no siempre significa la terminación de algo, sino, en muchas ocaciones es  comienzo, renacimiento o resurgimiento; El final del principio, el final de una era, el final de una vida ... Porque, todo final, conlleva un principio".
El día de hoy, marcó una fecha más en mi calendario de vida, donde guardo  con celo las fechas trascendentales de mi existencia; Porque hoy, a pesar de que es un día soleado ,en mi interior es un frío, sombreado y solitario día de junio... La vida esta llena de inconsistencias, cambios imprevistos durante su desarrollo y duración, cosas van, cosas vienen, personas vienen, personas van, situaciones estan, situaciones se van; Y a modo de consejo para mis no más de 3 lectores, les digo; Nunca hay que decir nunca, siempre hay que estar en paz con ustedes y con los demás porque es incierto el día de mañana  y de un momento a otro todo puede cambiar.

As Jim Morrison said (This is the end): 

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free, but you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die.